Our hearts are so full right now, not only because its the week of Thanksgiving, but we just feel so blessed in so many ways. First of all, we have each other. We are getting married in 25 days! How time flies. Thats less than a month! Its hard to believe. I'm so happy! I feel like my happily ever after is just beginning and its just going to get better from here. How awesome is it that I get to be sealed to my best friend for time and all eternity!?
Second of all, we both have AMAZING families! This past weekend we got to fly up to Spokane to see our families. I'm so grateful for the parents I have and for all they do and have done for me. I almost shudder to think of how disrespectful and ignorant I was as a teenager (I guess I still am a teenager...) But during high school I mean. I'm only starting to get a glimpse of all they've done for me and their love for me and I'm just overwhelmed. And they're still doing a ton. My mom is doing so much for the wedding and my dad too and I'm just in awe. I love them so much and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I'm also grateful for Jeremy's wonderful parents. I feel so blessed to be marrying into a family with the same standards as us and who have so much insightful advice to give us. Plus my in-laws play games all the time so of course I'm making the right decision - I wasn't doubting, for the record.
I'm grateful that we have the opportunity to attend BYU, and to be members of this Church. I'm grateful for a good car, and that we're both healthy and well. I'm so grateful for the Temple and that I get to go through for the first time this week. I just am overwhelmed with all the blessings God has given us. Life is good. I don't know why I complain all the time. I have been blessed abundantly and in ways I probably still haven't recognized. I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and travel safely to wherever your special day will be.