Tuesday, February 8, 2011


soooo............................... haha really awkward story. I'll try to share it with you with out making this more awkward than it has to be.
Just to set the stage - when two people are married, and they really love each other, often times they like showing each other how much they love each other by cuddling, and by doing other physical things to show their love ;)

Uh, yeah. Well today, a certain husband and wife were doing just this.
And this same husband and wife forgot that a certain repair man was coming to check the power outlets that same afternoon....

{I'll let you guess how that turned out}

Yep.... thats my super duper awkward story!
Hope I didn't make you feel too uncomfortable

On a lighter note, today was a very good day other than that!
We went shopping :)
{best part - husband suggested it!}

Highlights: we got an ottoman
{I'm using it right now}
I got gray nail polish
{It's already on}
We can officially watch hulu on our tv
{Husband is a genius and got us a cable}

um... yeah we just got a bunch of awesome new stuff :)
yay for target gift cards from wedding!!!

Well I ought to finish up some homework, and clean up our house a bit



  1. how funny!! Well at least now you've lived through one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to you two! :o) We have a friend who's having a bunch of repairs done on their apartment...no heat, water, kitchen, or anything at this point (a neighbor's pipe burst!). One day a repair man TOTALLY walked in on her getting dressed! It wouldn't have been so bad but she'd just gotten out of the shower!! AAH! :o)

    I'm so jealous that you can watch hulu on your tv! What kind of cable was it? Just a laptop-to-tv input cable?

  2. yeah something like that lol and yes - those experiences are not fun lol
