Tuesday, May 17, 2011

crazy little thing called LOVE

Last night as Jeremy and I were laying in bed, we started remembering all the fun things we did when we were dating.  Reminiscing our {rather embarrassing} facebook-only relationship that 
eventually blossomed into being brave enough to talk in person and go on dates and our first kiss, and when Jeremy almost kissed me for the first time but wasn't brave enough {even though I could tell he wanted to be I wanted him to kiss me first haha} and just enjoying remembering the 
excited/tingling/nervous feeling every time I got to see him.  And the hundreds of letters we wrote while he was down at school - *sigh*  Good times....

Anyway, we were just talking about that, and sometimes I kind of wish we were still dating - only not really because married life is the best thing ever!  And I wouldn't trade it for the world.
But I kind of sometimes secretly wish we could go back and fall in love again - because that was so much fun and so I don't know... I'm just kind of rambling. 
It really is a "crazy little thing called love"
{and I love that song}

One thing, however, is sure - I love Jeremy Wells and I always will and I still love getting to fall in love with him more - every single day :)


  1. Wake up each day, see who he becomes that day, and fall in love with him all over again. Rinse and repeat! :-)

    Dan Morgan

  2. You guys have the same color of eyes! :) haha

  3. Precious:-) So fun to think back on the whole falling in love journey! xoxo
