Monday, June 27, 2011

Continuing on the Journey to find true HAPPINESS

Last week was good - really good. 
Well it didn't start out good, but then everything changed.  
It was one of those weeks when you are really emotional 
and even the smallest thing can cause tears to flood your pillow.  
{I know at least some of you know what I'm talking about}

ALSO, is it stereotypical of pregnant women to take offense and imagine up that their husbands are trying to be mean and horrible and irresponsible? poor Jeremy.......

Jeremy had to work last week, not a lot, and I was happy that his dad had some things for him to work on, but it's hard going from being together all day every day to not being able to hear or talk to or see or be held by your hubby... you know what I mean? 

So after poor husband had a long day of work, and would have loved to come home and see his sweet, loving wife I randomly decided I was mad at him and took of all over Spokane taking pictures. When he called I didn't answer.... I really don't know what got into me.  I guess I just for some stupid reason got into my head that he didn't want to see me and I wasn't that important and gah I'm so STUPID! 

Long story short I wound up at the Temple and Jeremy called for the tenth time while I was there. 
He said he missed me, and he wanted me to come home, and I said some stupid things about how I felt hurt, and not loved, and he said he felt the same way.  I really can't remember how we even got there... 
{stupid hormones} 
But he convinced me to come home, and we cried and laughed and hugged and kissed...
and husband took me out on a date. 
And we were happy again.

I guess the reason I'm sharing this rather embarrassing story is because you really do have to choose to be happy.  You can't just wait around for it to happy, you have to make it happen.
For us it was just getting out of the house, just the two of us, and breaking the normal Thursday night routine to be together and talk and laugh and remember why we got married six months ago. 

When I was younger 
{as in like... uh.... a year or two ago?} 
I had it in my mind that when you got married in the Temple it was just kinda the end of hard work, and bad days, and everything was from then on 'Happily Ever After'
Boy was I wrong.  

Marriage is becoming selfless and giving all of yourself to someone else. 
Its no longer about me, but we. 
I learn this lesson a little more every day, and I don't think I'll ever have it perfected... but that's ok because we have eternity together :) 

SO last week was learning to EMBRACE THE DAY and what I got out of it was to embrace the things that happen, and the people we meet, and the opportunities to learn and grow and become the person you want to be - which for me is a HAPPY PERSON :D

So on to this week's challenge:
I realized that I kinda broke up the first 'phrase' but that's ok because they both deserve individual attention.

"The covenant with God to which you are true enables you to become enlightened by Him, and nothing is impossible for you."

Doesn't this make you feel powerful and like you could conquer anything?
We went to the Temple last Friday and I am so glad we did. 
There's something amazing about the temple and how it lifts your spirits and brings you closer to God like nothing else.  I'm specifically looking at this in the sense of 'you' meaning the two of you 
{i.e. husband and wife} 
Disclaimer: Sorry it probably sounds like Jeremy and I are having like huge marital problems, we're really not! Just to clarify.  I just know that when this baby gets here its gonna be hard, and we need to be fortified not only individually but together as well. 

Here's my goal for the week - this week I am going to not only read my scriptures every day, but study and ponder them and find out what the Lord wants me to be learning from Him.  I'm going to do everything I can to keep up my part of this covenant we've made and maybe, just maybe something impossible will happen this week!!! Maybe not... but that's ok! Lets do this thing!

Oh and I forgot to tell you that two days this week I had random burst of energy!
Usually I'm up at 9:30 - 10:00 and moping around the house forever but Saturday I just popped out of bed early! AND I stayed awake late making cinnamon rolls, and Sunday morning I had not problem getting up at 6:00 so I could be ready for choir practice ON TIME!
This little plan of mine is working - no denying it!
kluvyoubye :)

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