Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

I can't believe how fast you're growing!  Its hard to believe that you're already the size of an apple, and that in a few short weeks you'll be the size of a pumpkin laying in my arms.  I have another doctor's apointment tomorrow and I can't wait!  I love hearing the doctor tell me how good you're doing and how strong you're getting.  You really are mine forever :)

Are you going to be a boy or a girl?  It is kinda killing me slowly... I promise I'll love you either way, I just want to know!  I can't wait to start sewing blankets and things for your room (which is going to be really cute btw)! It's kind of hard to explain how much I love you already, but I do.  Your daddy loves you too, and he can't wait til you get bigger and he can feel you kicking :)  He's going to be the best dad ever!

I do have to tell you baby, that I'm a little nervous about you coming.  I'm telling you right up front - I've never been a mom before!  I can't promise you that as parents we're going to do everything right.  I'll just apologize in advance for that.  But I will promise you that you will be loved, and taught about a Heavenly Father who loves you very much.  As far as your temporal needs, we'll do our best. 

Just one little request on our part - could you possibly be one of the perfect little angel babies we hear about from time to time.  The kind that are sleeping through a good portion of the night by 4 months and doesn't cry very much (other wise we're letting you stay with your cousin Clara til you learn, cause she's a little angel!) haha Just kidding. But if you were an easy baby, we sure would love it!  I probably just jinxed myself... shoot.  Oh well.

I love you baby, and I hope your enjoying all these nutrients I'm sending your way - I sure am not.  Also would you mind just inching upward a little bit?  I'm kinda sick of having to pee all the dang time.  I love you so much little one, and I can't wait to hold you in my arms and meet you in just a few more months!




  1. So sweet! I can't wait to see all the cute things you come up with for his/her room!

    PS--when I could feel the baby kicking and Mitch couldn't yet, we experimented one night...I laid on my stomach and he put his hand between my belly and the mattress and could totally feel little Nathan kicking! We both cried and it became one of our favorite memories :o) Try it: putting pressure on that little bean might help daddy feel the tiny kicks!

  2. You are going to be a wonderful Mommy! It's so fun to see how excited you are and how much love you have for this new little child, who will be so blessed to come to your home!
