Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby :)

Yes, my friends, its true - 
we are very happy to announce that we are having a baby :)

Do you believe me now??? 

I'll tell you how it all went down
{get your minds out of the gutter - not that info}

Mid January I was convinced I was pregnant
I had all the symptoms! 
I wasn't pregnant...

When we thought we were going to have a baby we were just so excited that we decided 
{After much fasting and praying and going to the Temple}
That starting our family was the right thing to do.
{FYI I've been baby hungry since - uh... forever!
and Jeremy wants a baby too}

We were so excited to find out in February that we were having a baby!
We celebrated by going to the park and having an In-N-Out picnic in downtown Provo
complete with candles and Martinelli's :)

Unfortunately, two days later we found out it wasn't meant to be
- I had a miscarriage
{FYI they are painful and gross...} 

Doctor's orders were to wait a few months to try again - but uh... they didn't tell us that for a few weeks so......
Long story short on St. Patrick's Day we found out that we were given another shot at this whole parenting thing :) 
{Jeremy thought I was joking when I told him.... }

But its true!
I'm sure you can understand why we took so long in telling everybody
But after a 1st doctor's appointment resulting in this:

And this:
{That's a heart beat :) }

And a 2nd doctor's appointment resulting in this:
{Yes we realize its a fuzzy picture but during the ultra sound we got to see its head and arms and it waved at us!!!! happy mommy moment}

We've come to the conclusion that this baby is here to stay!
We are so happy to be bring this precious spirit into our family and can't wait til 
November 26th to meet him/her!!!


  1. Sarah, you are going to be a wonderful mom and it is the best journey. Dont let anyone tell you that you should have waited! It will be the most exciting adventure you have ever been on...and you will cry more tears of joy than you have ever cried in your life! :) Haha, being a mom makes you emotional ;) Congrats again!

  2. YAY!!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited! November babies are the best...Nathan was born November 2nd. You're not too huge and hot in the summer, and by the time you're hot and huge it's fall so you can take nice walks to cool down and stuff! It's great :o) Plus, there's no danger of falling on ice while all big and pregnant! (Well, at least you can hope there isn't...these mountainy climates are crazy sometimes!)

    Congratulations!! You have the best person to get advice from! I bet your mom has been through just about any baby situation there is!

  3. YAY! I love these pictures and seeing the little heartbeat on ultrasound is so wonderful! We are excited for another niece or nephew!

  4. Congratulations! So excited for you! You will be amazing parents :)

  5. Yay! So glad you announced it!! :) So exciting!!

  6. Congratulations! How exciting! Isn't it crazy how that little pulsing blob on the ultrasound can turn into a cute little baby?? I hope everything goes well for you and the little one. You are going to be such a good Mommy!
