Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am new to blogging.  

Well not super new, but relatively.

I started this as a way to keep a family record, and let our extended family keep up with us.

Since doing that I have had my eyes opened to the world of blogging.

I've been introduced to so many blogs, and people, and experiences and ideas and I'm just dying to let it all out and have what they have!

I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited today when I had
from people I didn't know! WOW! 
{Seriously guys... Its kind of embarrassing the giddy look that came across my face}

My guess is that all of you fancy bloggers that have hundreds - thousands of followers started out about where I am.  

So I'd like to ask a favor - or rather, some questions.

How did you decide what you wanted to blog about?
How did you get people to follow?
Do you design your own blogs? Or do you have help?
Where does your inspiration come from? 
Any advice would be oh so welcome :) 

I hope to {someday} join the ranks of you guys - maybe not in the immediate future,
but I'd love to start working towards that goal.

Thanks a BILLION!!!




  1. haha I don't feel worthy to answer this post! :o)

    But i'll do it anyway. I add a link to my facebook with a new blog post so that facebookers see it if they don't usually surf blogger. Also, I added a counter and an app called "Live Traffic Feed" to my blog. You have more visitors than you think! :o)

  2. Write about something you are passionate about. People want to read something that is real, something they can relate to, or find inspiration from. Just mess around with formatting. A lot of great bloggers are graphic designer, so they know formatting well.

  3. congrats on starting this new endeavor! i just blog to get myself to get dressed daily. i know, how lazy can you get? haha, it's been a fun ride though and i like it. good luck lady, you can so do it! :)
