Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You know you're pregnant when....

Yes I realize that in my short time of 9.5 weeks of being pregnant I'm not exactly an expert -
but I'll just shed some light on some observations I've noticed so far:

You feel fat all the stinkin time!  Remember back in the good ole days when you had good days and bad days?  Those are all over - just plan on feeling fat, and getting fatter for the next 9 month

Morning sickness doesn't only happen in the morning.  Sad but true. 
{Whoever named it that has definitely never been pregnant}
All of a sudden your bosoms have blossomed into something you thought wasn't ever gonna happen 
While this may at first bring great confidence and 'spousal satisfaction' don't get too happy because pretty soon they're going to hurt, and you won't like it so much any more
{also, I heard they get smaller after you stop nursing so yeeeah...}
Hormones are real and they have great power over you.
Sadly, you will have uncontrollable and rather embarrassing break downs that you won't be able to explain resulting in a very confused and distraught husband who just wants to help and make everything ok but all you wanna do is just cry it out.

The old "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach" saying won't really mean anything til you get that positive sign.  You'll be hungry all the time, but when you load up your plate, you can't finish it. 
So you'll graze all day, and feel like even more of a fatty - its ok.... you're not the only fatty in the world and you can break that habit later ;)
Naps will become a daily necessity which is nice, but frustrating because 
you feel like a lazy bum all the time

No worries though - there are many upsides:
Like the fact that inside of you right now there is a little person, growing and getting bigger every day and trusting you to be the best parent in the world. 
So far its all been worth it - and you know something, I think it definitely will be when I've been carrying around this little baby for 9 months and then I go through the most excruciating pain and then the little angel gets set on my chest :)  
That's what I can't wait for.


  1. Aw Sarah this is so exciting for you!!! I hope Jer isn't getting too much of the "crazy pregnant wife" treatment though ;)

  2. I definitely remember those emotional break downs. Poor husbands...
    Are you experiencing any baby brain drain yet? I remember once I was trying to lock my house using the button on my car key and I was really upset because my house wasn't honking, but my car was. Haha... fun times ahead Sarah, fun times. But hey, at least you'll have some pretty funny stories.
    And it definitely is all worth it. After you get to hold him/her all the pains you've gone through melt away and feel like nothing.

  3. Congratulations!! Having a baby is definitely the coolest thing I've ever done-- and that's saying a lot b/c I've lived in Paris! :) I remember what 9.5 weeks pregnant feels like, tho. I used to think "Shouldn't miracles feel better than this?" It is a miracle, and the good news is that you will feel better. You will be an awesome mother, for sure!

    Can I give you some helpful advice for this exhausted/hungry phase? You'll feel better if you eat small meals every two hours-like clockwork-rather than waiting until you are hungry or trying to see what you "feel" like eating. It takes a little more planning, but it's the best way to get all the nutrients you need and keep your stomach calm. So instead of having a big breakfast, eat a piece of fruit or small bowl of cereal with milk. Then two hours later (from when you started, not when you finished) have a piece of toast and glass of juice. Eat a salad for lunch and another piece or toast or small roll. at 2:00 have some carrot sticks with hummus, high-protein edamame, or cheese. Another snack at 4pm and dinner at 6:00. It sounds like a lot of eating, but it's tons better than grazing because you have a plan and you only eat every 2 hours, not every 2 minutes.

    Don't worry too much about how little you can eat or about how often you have to eat, rather focus on WHAT you eat. If it's healthy and has nutrients, go for it. If it's a cookie, you should probably pass, b/c it won't help you feel any better, you body can't use it for the baby, so it goes straight to those cushy parts that don't need any extra love and stays there.

    I'm glad you and Jeremy are having fun together. (pregnancy boobs are pretty cool, aren't they?) My last free advice is that you don't beat yourself up for needing a nap. Your body is building a human being--that's a lot of hard work! It's like climbing Mount Everest. And you need to rest so it can do it's best work. There is no benefit to you or the baby for you to over-do it. Your energy will return soon, but for now, taking care of Baby means taking care of you. Feel free to call me anytime to chat if you're ever too tired to do anything, or feeling lonely. I love you!
    Aunt Alice Marie

    PS if you start barfing, give me a call and I'll send you the revised edition of "Aunt Alice Marie's free advice and Guide to surviving pregnancy" 919-463-7868

  4. oh MAN! This brings back a ton of memories! Mitch and I laugh when people ask us if we're planning a second one yet...hello, he's not even six months old yet! Rexburg seriously has too many Mormons sometimes :o)

    Enjoy it! My favorite advice? Only YOU think you look fat. Everyone else thinks you're simply the cutest thing ever. Take pictures of that belly when it pops. Even if you swell or break out in 13 year-old-esque acne. I'm so glad I have the pictures I have! If you feel like it, take bare belly pics just to keep for you...I'm so glad I have them, even though no one outside a select few will ever see them! (In my head I was never the full 9 months pregnant, so it's fun to look back at the pictures and say, "I got THAT big!?" or "I remember feeling huge that day...and I look tiny in that picture!" :o)

  5. aw... thanks you guys! I will do my best to put all of your advice into action!
